Polymer Week Magazine is a hiqh-quality publication full of tutorials, articles, and inspiration from worldwide polymer clay artists. Each issue is full of unique content and will bring you a lot of creative ideas and inspiration.
Let yourself be immersed in the stories and artwork of creators who have extensive experience in the world of polymer. Below you can find a list of what you can find in this issue.
88 pages
printed on hiqh-quality paper
published in English language
printed locally in the Czech Republic
The cover star of this issue is Saskia Hoeboer. Inside you will find:
Interview with Ivan Grodzensky
Jenny Marsden’s Trinket Bowls Tutorial
Article about Artists of Spain
Phyllis Cahill’s Tutorial on Hollow Forms
Article about Cynthia Tinapple’s Home
Tunde Vass’s Crackle Necklace Tutorial
Dasha Paradoks’ Flower Letters Tutorial
Phil Porter’s Article on Color
Alice Stroppel’s Blooming Wall Art Tutorial
Interview Saskia Hoeboer
Nadia Lunkina’s Brooch of Nature Tutorial
Delia Gerendi’s Necklace Tutorial
Article about Fabiola Peréz Ajates
Martina Burianova’s Dot Earrings Tutorial
Interview with Jayne Traeger-Bliss
Jennifer Arthur’s Decorative Vessel Tutorial
Heidi Helyard’s Monochromatic Necklace Tutorial